Saturday, June 19, 2021


Being a “student” with a few years (decades, actually) of experience using the various rule books written by “Professor” Arty Conliffe, the contents of his latest and long-awaited sequel to Tactica were found to be fairly familiar. [1] However, there were some “new” mechanics and procedures that, while not overly complicated, warranted a period of testing and trial before a proper wargame employing the spiral-bound and rather plain-of-cover-when-compared-to-other-sets rules was staged on my table top. [2] With the intention of educating myself and developing a certain level of comfort with as well as confidence in these “foreign” mechanics and procedures, I designed and then conducted a number of small-scale scenarios or learning labs. The focus of these tutorials was combat, specifically the conduct and resolution of missile fire and melees, though I readily admit that more attention was paid to the conduct and resolution of hand-to-hand fighting.  

Exercise 1

Diagram A illustrates my first solo seminar staged with my newly acquired copy of Tactica II. [3] Three units of archers, identified as A, B, and C, selected from the Indian army list found on page L 9, face two units of Pezetaroi (identified as 1 and 2) and one unit of Greek Hoplites (identified as 3), drawn from the Macedonian (Philip—Alexander) army list found on page L 7. Each unit of Indian archers contains 24 figures, arranged in 2 rows of 12. Combat in Tactica II is conducted on a front rank, figure by figure basis, so, under normal circumstances, each Indian unit will roll 12 six-sided dice if letting off a volley of arrows or engaging in close combat. Each of these units has a fighting value or FV of 4-6, which means that when fighting a melee, the enemy commander or unit has to throw a result of 4, 5, or 6 on a d6 to inflict damage, to score a hit, to produce a casualty. 

The unit quality of the archers is listed as V, which stands for Veterans. The definition of Veterans is provided on page 3 of the rules, in Section 2.8. Veterans are “trained troops of some experience”. According to the table provided on page 36 of the rules, a Veteran unit with 24 figures will have to check its morale to see if it remains on the field/table once it has lost 16 figures (66 percent of its original strength). The weapons carried by each unit of Indian archers are described as Various/Bows. The Indians will use Various when engaged in melees and Bows when engaged in missile fire. The maximum range of the bows carried by the Indian archers is 15 inches. According to the explanation in Section 6.1: “These Missile Ranges represent a tactical fighting area, relative to the unit move distances rather any precise “scaled-down” ranges. Note that the ranges of foot bows, horse bows and slings are the same. This is partly because the ballistic ranges were similar . . .” Turning to the Macedonian formations, each unit of pikemen (1 and 2) contains 32 figures, arranged in 4 rows or ranks of 8. These heavy infantry have a fighting value of 5-6, a unit quality rating of Veterans, and are armed with pikes, obviously. Being Veterans, the pikemen will have to check morale when casualties add up to 21 or more figures. The Hoplites have a fighting value of 4-6, are Veterans, and carry spears instead of pikes. With a roster of 30 figures, their unit break point (at which a morale check is required) is 20 “kills”. Diagram A shows the status of this training field after Steps 3 and 4 of the Sequence of Play have been completed. Step 3 is the movement phase, and Step 4 is the Rally Phase. Step 5 is the missile fire phase. Here, according to the explanation on page 10, “Missile Fire is simultaneously adjudicated by both players”. As the Macedonian units do not possess any missile weapons, the Indian units will be the only ones shooting, the only ones rolling dice. The white bars in the diagram show the maximum reach or range of the arrows launched by the Indian archers. All the enemy units are within range. The different coloured bars indicate the division of targets for each participating unit. For example, Indian archers in Unit A will let fly against the pikemen in Unit 1 and Unit 2. Archers in Unit B will target Units 2 and 3, while the archers of Unit C will focus all of their arrows against the ranks of Unit 3. Section 6.4 on page 22 explains the firing procedure and how “kills” are scored. It reads: “One die is rolled for each firing figure (1:1) against most target unit types. Every “6” rolled produces one “Kill,” regardless of the target unit type”. In terms of dice rolled then, Unit A will pick up 8 dice; Units A and B will gather 9 dice, and Units B and C will scoop up an impressive total of 19 dice. There are 3 types of target protection in the Tactica II rules. These are not modifiers per se, but the classification does affect the number of dice thrown. For example, based on my study, Macedonian phalangites are neither well-protected or fully-protected targets, so they will receive missiles from each firing figure. Well-protected target units, such as hoplites, who carry a rather large shield, will have 2 dice rolled against them for every 3 enemy figures firing. Fully-protected target units, such as cataphracts or knights, will have 1 dice rolled against them for every 2 enemy figures firing. Returning to Diagram A, Units 1 and 2 will receive arrows from each Indian archer figure. The Greek Hoplites, however, will only have 12 dice rolled against them, as they are considered well-protected. (Nineteen figures at 2 dice for every 3 figures equals 6 groups of 3 times 2 dice which produces 12 dice total. Only whole multiples of 3 firing figures apply.) 

Eight dice are rolled to see what happens to the pikemen in Unit 1. Two figures are hit. Reading further on page 22, under Section 6.4, it is explained: “When Massed units receive Kills, the figures are not physically removed. Use casualty markers, numbered counters, or some other simple method for recording losses”. There is also this: “All Kills applied to a Massed unit are applied to the “living” rear Rank(s) of the unit. It is assumed that wherever these losses actually occurred historically, the gaps were filled by other soldiers”. For the purposes of this exercise, I shall use red Xs to indicate “killed” figures. Two of these Xs were placed on the rear rank of Macedonian Unit 1. Nine dice were selected and rolled against Unit 2. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on one’s viewpoint), not a single die showed the needed result. The pikemen had survived this volley. Twelve dice were picked up and shaken to see what happened to the Hoplites in Unit 3. Three dice registered as hits or “kills”. According to Section 6.8 of the rules, “If any target unit receives at least 3 Kills in one Turn (from all shooting sources combined), it must take a Control Test. If the unit fails the test it is Halted for the entire next Turn—making no movement in any Phase”. According to Section 8.0 of the rules (pages 38-39), Control Tests use two six-sided dice, and the number required to pass is a “7” or higher. The quality of a unit taking the test may modify this number. The Greek Hoplites are Veterans, so the modifier to the required number is 0. This unit needs to roll a “7” or better with two dice in order to pass. The Hoplites roll a 4 and fail, so they are halted. After the missile fire phase is completed, the game move sequence finishes out with melee, pursuit, and breakthrough movement. As the focus of this particular scenario is missile fire resolution, I will skip forward to the next turn of play. Diagram A-1 shows the state of the field/table after the Macedonians have moved. 

The Indian archers have remained in place. The Hoplites, as a result of their failed Control Test, are halted. During the Rally Phase, which follows Movement, they can rally automatically, according to Section 5.14 on page 19. They are still within range, however, so will be subjected to another volley of arrows. Once again, 8 dice are picked up by the archers in Unit A. These are rolled against the pikemen in Unit 1. Even though the range has decreased, the archers did not do at all well. None of their arrows found a target. The pikemen of Unit 1 are safe and are looking forward to moving into melee contact during the next turn. Unit 2 readies itself for the 9 dice thrown by the archers from Units A and B. Three of the dice indicate hits or “kills”, so another Control Test is required. The pikemen of Unit 2 roll an 11, and pass with ease. They too will be making contact with the archers in the next game turn. Twelve dice are grabbed and rolled against the rallied or recovered Hoplites of Unit 3. This volley only produces a single hit, so a total of 4 Hoplites have been taken out of the battle. They can move next turn, but will be late in joining the melee against the archers. They will also be subjected to another volley from the Indians in Unit C. 


The Indian archers rolled 58 dice during these 2 missile fire phases. A total of 9 Macedonian and Greek figures were removed. That impresses me as quite a few dice for very little impact. On the other hand, I did not have to roll any “save dice” for the Macedonians and Greeks. The “Missile Storm” rules are a nice touch, though I wondered about the automatic rally and recovery. I also wondered why there was not a negative modifier for long range fire or a positive modifier for short range fire. A third question was raised about the protection rating given to the pikemen. I would have thought that their hedgerow of pikes would have presented some kind of barrier to incoming arrows. 

Exercise 2

Diagram B illustrates the second training exercise conducted on a portion of my small table top. Three units of Hoplites (A, B, and C), taken from the Greek (City States) army list on page L 4, stand in the way of 2 units of Pezetaroi (1 and 2) and a unit of Hypaspists (3) drafted from the Macedonian (Philip—Alexander) army list on page L 7. Unit A contains 36 figures, arranged in 3 ranks of 12. These heavy infantry have a fighting value of 5-6, are rated as Militia Grade (MG), and carry spears. Being a low quality unit, they will have to test their morale when 18 figures have been lost. Unit B has 27 figures, formed in 3 ranks of 9. These Hoplites are Veterans, have a fighting value of 5-6 as well, and will break or potentially break when 18 figures are removed. 

The Hoplites in Unit C are rated as Elite (EL), carry spears, and have a fighting value of 5-6 like the other units. The 24 figures in this formation are arranged in 3 ranks of 8. They will have to test their morale when 18 figures have been “killed”. On the Macedonian side of the staged contest, Units 1 and 2 are 48-figures strong. Both units have 6 ranks of 8 figures. As in the previous encounter, these units of pikemen are Veterans, carry a very long weapon, and have a fighting value of 5-6. The Hypaspists in Unit 3 also have a fighting value of 5-6, but these heavy infantry (phalanx or PH in Tactica II “language”) are arranged in 3 ranks of 10 figures, are Elite troops and carry spears. 

At the start of the melee phase of the game turn (the sixth step in an eight-step process), both sides roll a d6. This roll is not modified. The high score gets to decide in which direction, in which order, left to right or right to left, melees are resolved. For the sake of this example, the Macedonians win the die roll by a score of 4 to 1 and elect to conduct the combats from their left to their right. The melees start then, with the action between the Hypaspists (Unit 3) and the Elite Hoplites (Unit C). Even though the units are not aligned perfectly, all of the figures in the front rank will fight. The Macedonians secure 10 dice, while the Greeks pick up 8 dice. Both sides roll; both sides are looking for 5s or 6s. Each unit manages to inflict 2 casualties on the other. These are marked and the melee continues next turn. Moving to the next melee area, Unit 2 will fight against Unit B. In this particular situation, the Macedonians receive extra dice as they have a depth advantage versus the Hoplites. Per the bullet point at the bottom of page 33, “pike-armed heavy infantry phalanxes receive 3 additional dice for each rank deeper than their opponent”. The Macedonians are 6 ranks deep; the Hoplites are 3 ranks deep, so 9 additional dice are awarded to the pikemen. Adding the dice for the figures fighting in the front rank, this gives a total of 17 dice. The Greeks will roll just 9 dice for the 9 figures in their front rank. Again, each unit is looking for 5s or 6s. The pikemen skewer 5 Greeks and the Hoplites respond by killing 3 phalangites. These casualties are marked. In the third melee, the Macedonians will have another handful of 17 dice (8 for those in the front rank and 9 for being three ranks deeper than their enemy), while the Hoplites will have 12 dice, even though a portion of the unit is facing open ground. The result? The Hoplites do rather well and eliminate 7 pikemen while suffering 5 casualties in return. At the end of one round of fighting, both sides have lost 12 figures. 

In the second round of melee, no other units have moved into contact and the melee direction decision goes to the Greeks by a score of 3 to 2. The Hoplites decide to conduct the melees from their left to right. Diagram B-1 illustrates the results of these combats. Unit A will roll 12 dice. Unit 1 will roll 15 dice, as their depth advantage has been reduced to 2 ranks instead of a full 3 ranks. In this second round, the Greeks score 4 hits or kills, while the Macedonians inflict an impressive 9. Moving to the contest between Unit B and Unit 2, 9 dice are rolled for one side and 17 dice for the other, as the pikemen still maintain a good depth advantage. The combat is almost even: the Greeks score 5 hits, and the Macedonians score 6 hits. These losses are marked. 

The final contest sees 8 dice rolled for the Hoplites and 10 thrown for the Hypaspists. In this local action, the Hoplites score 4 kills against 3 inflicted by the Hypaspists. These procedures are repeated for the third round of this melee. (Please see Diagram B-2.) 

The direction determination is won by the men from Macedon. They choose to start with the Hypaspists. Once again, 10 dice are rolled against 8. The battle is even: 3 figures from each unit are marked as lost. In the centre, 14 Macedonian dice are rolled against 9 Greek dice. The results inform that 3 Greek Hoplites are laid low and just 2 Macedonian pikemen are eliminated. On the Macedonian right, their depth advantage is increased to 3 ranks due to the losses suffered by the Hoplites. So, 17 dice will be thrown versus 12 rolled for the Greeks. This combat produces 2 casualties against the pikemen and 6 losses for the Hoplites. Unit A has exceeded its unit breakpoint of 18 “kills”. It has to take a Fates Test to see if it remains on the field. As it is rated as a Militia Grade unit, the roll is modified by a negative one. In sum, this unit must roll a 12 on 2d6 in order to stay in the fight. The roll is . . . an 8. This Greek unit collapses and runs. The opposing unit of pikemen choose to execute a “breakthrough move” and advance 4 inches. Unit B is close enough (within 4 inches) to the routing unit, so it has to check its morale as a result. The Hoplites in Unit B need to roll a 7 or better on 2d6. The roll is . . . a 7. They just make it. Had they failed this test, they would have become disordered and would have been at a disadvantage in the melee for the next turn. 


Goodness, but I rolled a lot of dice during this exercise. While one of the Hoplite units failed under the pressure of the “push of pike”, the combat was not what I would call exciting or riveting. It seemed a simple contest of throwing more 5s and 6s than the enemy unit. While this approach to resolving close combat is clean (there are no tables of multiple modifiers to consult such as one would find in Impetvs or L’Art de la Guerre), it does seem like it would take a while to produce a tangible result. Perhaps my experience with Armati colours my assessment, but I wondered about units participating in turn after turn of melee with no apparent impact on their ability to fight - well, as long as they were not disordered and had an intact front line. 

Exercise 3

In Diagram C, 4 cohorts of legionaries, drafted from the Roman (Marian) army list on page L 14, are attacked by 3 warbands of Germans, selected from the Gallic & German army list on page L 15. Three of the cohorts have 8 figures, deployed in a single line. The fourth cohort, the Eagle Cohort of the legion, has 16 figures, organized in 2 ranks of 8. The Romans have a fighting value of 5-6, are Veterans, and are listed as carrying pila and swords. The German warbands are all 30 figures strong. Each unit has 3 ranks of 10 figures. The warbands are classed as Veterans as well, and are armed with various weapons. In contrast to the Romans, the German warriors have a fighting value of 4-6 and may receive an impetus benefit or bonus in combat situations. 

During the movement phase of a game turn, let us imagine that it is the fourth turn of a fairly large if also fictional battle, 3 warbands represented by Units A, B, and C, charge and make contact with a solid Roman line composed of 4 cohorts, labeled I, II, III, and IV. As in the previous example, each side rolls a d6. The Romans win 5 to 3 and decide that the melees will be resolved starting on their left and moving to their right. This first contest sees Cohort IV attacked by Warband A. Prior to rolling any melee dice, the German warriors roll 2d6 to see if they get to use their impetus benefit against the Romans. Just like the Control Test, they will need a score of “7” or better. Unit A throws an “8”, so they will get impetus. This means that instead of just 10 dice (the number of figures in the front rank), they will receive 20 dice. In addition, the Germans gain 1 extra die for each rank that they are deeper than the Romans. So, they will add 2 more dice to their already impressive total of 20. But wait.The Romans get to throw their pila before the actual melee starts. As there are 8 figures in the line, 8 dice will be thrown. Sixes, as always, indicate a hit with a missile. The Romans roll their dice and manage just 1 hit. This casualty is deducted from the German front line, so the actual number of dice that they will get to roll is 20. (Ten figures in the front rank, minus one due to the pila volley, doubled for the impetus bonus, plus two more dice for rank depth, equals 20 dice.) The bellowing warriors roll their dice and score 6 kills against the cohort. At the same time, the heavy infantry of the cohort roll 8 dice and inflict 6 losses on the warband. In the next round of melee, just 2 Roman figures will face a horde of 23 barbarians. The individual cohort does not have a breakpoint, but the full legion does. As this cohort is a part of a Veteran legion, 7 cohorts will have to be destroyed or routed before the legion decides to quit the field. In the centre of this clash, Cohorts II and III are engaged by Warband B. Though portions of each cohort are facing open ground, it seemed to me that all Roman figures would count for throwing the pila, so 16 dice were collected and rolled to see what damage would be done to the charging Germans. Even with all those heavy javelins, the legionaries only scored 2 kills. The Germans checked for impetus and achieved it with a roll of 10. Eight front rank figures doubled, plus the rank bonus gave the German warriors a total of 18 dice. As the Germans were engaged with 2 Roman units, their dice would be divided, so 9 rolls were against Cohort III and 9 were against Cohort II. Each Roman cohort would roll 8 dice against the barbarians. The German warriors killed 2 Romans in Cohort III and 3 Romans in Cohort II. The legionaries inflicted 7 casualties against the Germans. In the action between Cohort I and Warband C, the Roman pila volley took out a single enemy warrior. The Germans rolled to see if they won impetus. A result of 8 indicated that impetus was achieved, so 9 dice for figures surviving in the front rank were doubled and 2 were added because of the depth advantage. The barbarians would roll 20 dice versus the 8 thrown by the Romans. The melee was a bloody tie with both units losing 5 figures. 

The melee during the next game turn is shown in Diagram C-1. 

The Romans won the direction roll and decided to proceed from their right to their left. As this was the second round of close combat, there would be no more pila volleys from the Roman ranks. Now it was just sword, shield, skill, and courage. The Eagle Cohort of the legion rolled 8 dice. The Germans checked to see if they maintained their impetus. The required score was “8” on 2d6. The warriors rolled a paltry 5. There would be no doubling of the dice in this round. For this melee, the Germans would roll 10 dice while the legionaries would roll 8. The warband suffered 3 losses but inflicted 4 against the long gray line of heavy infantry. In the centre, another check was made regarding impetus. The required score was rolled so 21 dice would be divided between the two Roman cohorts. (Ten figures in the front rank doubled plus the extra die for depth advantage. Note: The third line of the German warband has been rather depleted, so it does not add an extra die.) Eleven dice were thrown against Cohort III, and 10 dice were rolled against Cohort II. The Romans tossed 16 dice. Cohort III lost 3 figures. Cohort II was destroyed when it lost 5, and the warband suffered 6 kills. As a product of this destruction, both Cohort I and Cohort III had to take a Control Test to see if their morale, their condition would be affected by seeing friends rout. Each Cohort needed to score a “7” or better on 2d6. Fortunately for the Romans, both units passed the test. Continuing to the melee on the Roman left, Cohort IV would roll just 2 dice. The Germans checked to see if they maintained their impetus and did with a roll of 10. The barbarians would throw 21 dice (10 figures doubled plus the extra for the rank bonus) versus just a pair of dice for the enemy. The result? The surviving Romans took 2 Germans with them, but were killed four times over. Cohort IV was wiped out. Once again, the men of Cohort III needed to take a Control Test after seeing the friendly unit to their immediate left erased from the field. 


Unlike other sets of rules in my comparatively small collection, Tactica II permits the full deployment of a Marian Roman legion on my table top. (The rules also provide for the depiction of Republican legions with their separate but carefully coordinated lines of Hastati, Principes, and Triarii.[4]) In fact, if I reduce the given dimensions for figure bases, for unit footprints, I could comfortably fit 4 legions (or perhaps even 6) on a model battlefield. Tactica II, like Impetvs, provides for the pre-melee volley of Roman pila. In the scenario just played, this tactic did not help the Romans. Indeed, it would be fair to say that they were swamped, and in fairly quick order too. One likes to think, however, that the second and third line of the legion would have been able to move up and contain the two gaps created by the rampaging German warriors. 

Exercise 4

In Diagram D, 3 units of heavy cavalry taken from the Arab (Conquest) army list on page L 18 have charged into melee against 3 units of heavy infantry Skutatoi, drawn from the Byzantine army list on page L 17. Two of the heavy cavalry units (1 and 2) are Nobles, have a fighting value of 4-6, a unit quality of Elite, and are armed with lances. Unit 1 has 18 figures, formed in 2 ranks of 9; Unit 2 has 14 figures, arranged in 2 ranks of 7. Unit 3 is a group of Persian heavy cavalry containing 16 figures deployed in 2 ranks of 8. These troopers have a fighting value of 5-6, are rated as Veterans, and carry a mix of lances/bows. The formations of Byzantine foot (A, B, and C) are all the same. Each contains 24 figures organized in 3 ranks of 8. Each has a fighting value of 4-6, each formation is made up of Veterans, and each unit carries spears. 

Prior to the Arab and Persian cavalry making contact with the Byzantine infantry, the Persian horse was able to inflict 3 kills on Unit C with a volley of arrows. These casualties have been marked with red Xs. As with the infantry contests previously described, both sides rolled a d6 to determine the order of the melees. The Arab/Persian force won with a score of 5 to 2. Per Section 7.3.1 of the rules, the flank attack by Unit 3 versus Unit C takes priority, so this engagement will be resolved first. To keep things simple, the Arab/Persian force will conduct the melees from its left to right. Per Section 7.7, which covers the requirements of flank attacks, the Persian cavalry has successfully met these requirements. As a result, the Persian horse will get double the number of dice in the melee, so 8 figures in the front rank produces 16 dice. The Persians, being a unit of heavy cavalry, can also qualify for impetus against the enemy infantry. They take a Control Test, hoping for a score of “7” or higher. They roll a 9, so the impetus advantage is secured. The Persians gain an additional 8 dice, so they will roll a large handful of 24 six-sided dice in this melee round. The Byzantine infantry in Unit C is automatically disordered as a result of being struck in the flank. As a penalty, they will lose half of their normal melee dice, so 8 figures in the front rank equals 8 dice, take away half, and the poor bloody infantry gets only 4 dice in this combat. As they are also being attacked from the front, they have to divide this low number of dice, so they will roll just 2 dice against the flanking Persians. The result of the melee is as follows: The Byzantines manage to unhorse 1 cavalryman, while the Persians, needing to roll 4-6 on their dice, skewer, stab, and ride down a terrible total of 15 Byzantine figures. Added to their previous losses from arrows, this brings the casualty count to 18. Though a Veteran unit, this amount of death and destruction pushes the Byzantines past their unit breakpoint. They must take an immediate Fates Test, even before resolving the melee against the Arab cavalry attacking them frontally. They need to roll an 11 or 12 on 2d6. They roll a 6 and fail, so they break and rout. Since Unit B is in the path of the routing survivors, this formation must take an immediate Control Test to see if they become disordered. Again, the base number needed to pass is “7” or better. Unit B picks up 2 dice and throws an 11. Whew, they have successfully passed and will not be disordered for the melee against the cavalry of Unit 2. 

As Unit B is in contact with a couple of enemy formations, its melee dice will be divided for the contests. Unit B will roll 4 dice against the Arab Nobles of Unit 2, and it will roll 4 dice in support of the melee versus Unit 1. The action between Units B and 2 is resolved first. The Arab cavalry checks to see if it gets impetus versus the foot. (Note: If the enemy infantry were classed as PH armed with spears and especially pikes, the cavalry would not get impetus. In fact, against these types of units, PH and not FT, the cavalry would roll just half of their available dice.) They roll a 5, so do not gain double the normal amount of dice. The Nobles will throw 7 dice against 4 dice for the Byzantines. Three infantry are killed, while just 1 cavalryman is “removed” from his unit’s stand. The action now moves to the melee on the right of the Arab/Persian line, where Unit 1 faces Unit A and part of Unit B. The cavalry checks to see if the are granted impetus for their charge. They have impetus, so will roll 18 dice total. This number will have to be divided between enemy units, however, as Unit 1 is in physical contact with Units A and B. At the same time, Unit A will roll 8 dice and Unit B will roll 4 dice, for a total of 12. The close combat is rather bloody. Six figures are removed from Unit A; 5 are removed from Unit B, and the Arab Nobles suffer 6 casualties. As it stands, things do not look good for the Byzantines. In the next game turn, the Persian cavalry will fall upon the flank of the engaged foot of Unit B causing them to become disordered. This will impact their fighting ability. The Persians will have double the amount of dice before they check to see if they also get the impetus advantage. It seems safe to conclude that the Byzantine infantry will not last long. 


Flank attacks and impetus are powerful variables in Tactica II, as they were in dozens of historical examples and as they are in many other sets of rules. Again, it is impressive the amount of dice that are needed in some melee situations. In the learning lab just completed, I wondered why the Persian horse would not have pursued the fugitives into the flank of the exposed unit and generated another melee that very turn. Then again, I may be letting my limited experience with Impetvs and Hail Caesar influence my thinking. Either that, or I need to read the spiral-bound rules a fourth time.  

Exercise 5

My final solo seminar or scenario is illustrated in Diagram E. Here, a unit of Indian archers, reinforced by a couple of units of elephants, contend with a few units of pike-wielding heavy infantry. The archers or Foot (FT - Unit B) were taken from the familiar Indian army list on page L 9. These troops numbered 18 figures, arranged in 2 ranks of 9, and were rated as Militia Grade (MG) infantry. They carried various/bows and in the previous turn, managed to score a few arrow hits against the advancing phalanx. Their fighting value is 4-6. The elephants (Units A and C) were classed as massed as opposed to a screen and had a fighting value of 5-6. The unit quality of these animals was Veteran, they had the impetus ability, and their crews carried a variety of weapons (but no long range missile ability). The enemy formations were drafted from the Macedonian (Philip—Alexander) army list on page L 7. These phalangites numbered 48 figures in each unit, arranged in 6 ranks of 8. Their fighting value was 5-6, and they were Veterans. 

At the start of the melee phase of the current turn, both sides rolled a d6. The Indians won the directional determination by a score of 6 to 3 and decided to start on their right and move to their left. The contest between the elephants of Unit C and the pikemen of Unit 3 would be conducted first. The elephants roll 2d6 to see if they can claim impetus against the pikemen. The result is a “7”, so the elephants and their crews just manage to achieve the impetus bonus. Per Section 10.7 of the rules, each elephant model gets 3 melee dice. There are 3 models in this unit, so 9 dice will be rolled. As impetus has been secured, that number is doubled to 18 dice. The pikemen will throw 8 dice. According to Section 7.11.1, the depth of the phalanx does not offer any benefit when facing elephants or even cavalry. The larger Indian elephants do some damage in this first round by stomping or otherwise discomforting 7 figures in the opposing phalanx. In response, the pikemen are only able to inflict 2 casualties against the elephants. In Section 10.7.1 of the rules, one is informed that each model of a larger Indian elephant represents 6 figures for purposes of tracking casualties or losses. In the Section just above that, one learns that elephant units keep “all of their melee dice until the unit is broken”. The losses were marked and I moved to the centre contest. The Indian archers picked up 9 dice. They would need to roll 5s and 6s to inflict damage. The pikemen gathered 8 dice for the front rank and then 12 more dice, as the phalanx receives 3 additional dice for each rank of depth more than an opponent. For their 20 total dice, the Macedonian infantry would need to throw 4s, 5s, or 6s to produce casualties. The archers did not do well. They lost 11 versus 3 kills suffered by the pikemen. Being a Militia Grade unit, these casualties pushed the archers past their unit breakpoint. A Fates Test was conducted. The archers needed to roll a 12 on 2d6 (their unit quality rating modified the number required) and rolled a 4. The archers, those that were left anyway, fled in terror from the punishing pike phalanx. This development caused a morale check (disorder test) for the elephants in Unit A. They needed to roll a “7” or better to remain sound or in good order. Two dice were thrown and a 5 was the result. The elephants would be disordered when they fought the pikemen of Unit 1. As a consequence of being disordered, the elephants could not claim or roll for impetus. Instead of rolling 9 dice (3 dice for each model), the elephants in Unit A would roll 4 (half of 9 is 4.5, rounded down), while the pikemen would roll 8 dice. The elephants, even though in a state of disorder, managed to knock down 3 Macedonians. The pikemen inflicted 2 losses on the elephants. 

In the next game turn, the melees between Units 1 and A and Units 3 and C continued. The pikemen of Unit 2 could not assist either friendly unit as wheeling or pivoting in place would have resulted in a disordering mix of friendly formations. For this melee phase, the Indian retained the directional advantage by rolling a 4 against a 3 thrown by the Macedonians. Once again, the Indians started on their right. Two dice were rolled to see if the elephants of Unit C maintained their impetus. A “9” was the result, so the Indians would roll 18 dice versus just 8 for the enemy foot. The results indicated that 4 more Macedonians were killed, while 3 elephant crew would be removed from the combat. In the action on the left, the Indian elephants were still disordered, so they were limited to just 4 dice. This melee was even: 3 pikemen were eliminated and 3 elephant riders were removed. Diagram E-1 shows the state of the field at this point in the exercise. 


The elephants of Unit A were in trouble as Section 5.14 of the rules informs that disordered units fighting a melee cannot rally. Furthermore, Section 8.6 indicates: “if a disordered unit is outscored by an enemy unit in melee, it must take a Control Test. If this test is failed, the disordered unit is broken”. Otherwise, it seems that elephants versus pikes is a fairly even contest. At 48 figures, the units of foot can absorb more damage, so again, it looks like any contest between pikemen and pachyderms is going to require a lot of dice and at least a few turns before a decision is reached. A further point. I thought it somewhat odd that elephants were permitted to keep all of their melee dice until the unit was broken. If, for large or larger Indian elephants anyway, each model is worth 6 figures, then when the unit has taken 6 figures of casualties, the melee dice of an elephant unit should be reduced by 3, as this is the number of melee dice an elephant model receives. How can a depleted or wounded elephant unit fight as if it is a full-strength elephant unit? 

Thinking about Tinkering

While reading and annotating the rules and while working my way, however slowly and imperfectly through the various educational exercises described above, I could not help but think about making some adjustments to the rules-as-written. There were seven areas or sections of the Tactica II rules that I marked for possible tinkering and “development”. 

First, I considered removing the restrictions on the minimums and maximums with regard to unit frontages. For example, I wondered what would happen and what kind of wargame would result if heavy infantry were permitted to deploy with as few as 6 figures in the front rank or as many as 15 figures in the front rank. Similar questions were asked of the other unit types, though I confess I stayed away, at least for now, from the elephants and chariots. 

Next, finding the several categories of unit quality somewhat limiting, I drafted a revision to this “table” that would increase the number of categories to seven. As this proposal impacted a few other sections of the rules, combining the suggested changes into a table format seemed the logical course of action.

Unit Quality Unit Breakpoint Fates Test Roll Control Test Modifier

Levy          30 percent automatic break minus 2

Militia Grade 40 percent 11-12 minus 1

Average/Regular/Trained 50 percent 10-12 no modifier

Veteran                 60 percent 9-12         plus 1

Elite         70 percent 8-12         plus 2

Guard         80 percent 7-12         plus 3

Legendary         90 percent 6-12         plus 4

As an example, a unit of Athenian hoplites, rated as Average, has 32 figures in their formation. They are deployed in 4 ranks of 8. When they have lost 16 figures, or 50 percent of their original strength, they have to take a Fates Test. They have to roll a 10, 11, or 12 in order to stay on the field. The Control Test modifier, which is zero, will be applied in all other situations, such as being too close to friends who have routed. 

After playing around with unit quality, it was not a great leap to consider the abilities of army generals and their subordinates. Instead of having just 2 types of army general and an abstracted representation of subordinates or divisional commanders, I thought it might be worthwhile to draft a few amendments. The following table offers a summary snapshot of this work in progress and was inspired by experiences while using Impetvs, Hail Caesar, and L’Art de la Guerre.

Rating Command Radius Melee Modifier Morale Modifier

Poor         10 inches         +1         0

Average                 12 inches         +1         +1

Expert         14 inches         +2         +2

Brilliant                 16 inches         +2         +3


Genius         18 inches         +3*         +4*

Rating             Figure Value Cost in Points

Poor             5                 5

Average                     10         10

Expert             15         15

Brilliant                     20         20


Genius             30*         30

*Note: Charismatic/Genius commanders such as Alexander, Hannibal, and Caesar may have their melee modifier, morale modifier, and figure value adjusted for specific scenarios and or on agreement of the assembled player-generals. 

Finding the movement rates of Tactica II a bit generic, I thought some variety might be added if the movement rates of Armati 2nd Edition were substituted. Heavy infantry would move 6 inches and light infantry and skirmishers would move 9 inches instead of all foot units moving a uniform 8 inches. Additionally, I wondered what would happen if I bumped up the speed of light cavalry to 18 inches. 

As a tangent to this tinkering with the movement rules, I thought I might try to add a wrinkle that would allow units in skirmish formation to be recalled and reformed. With this proposed amendment, light infantry, such as peltasts, and light cavalry could be recalled and reformed into the massed formation “order” described in Tactica II. This would be considered a complex move or it would require a control test. In conjunction with the adoption of the Armati 2nd Edition movement rates, I would also borrow the Armati 2nd Edition missile ranges, as I feel these provide a little more variety. 

My final adjustment or amendment would also be taken from the Armati 2nd Edition rules. In broad overview, for each round of melee fought, each participating unit would receive a fatigue marker. Each fatigue marker would result in 1 melee die being removed from the number a unit could roll in a subsequent close combat phase. For example, a unit of hoplites with 11 figures in the front rank would typically throw 11 dice when fighting an enemy. Let us say that the hoplites have fought for 3 rounds. The unit would have 3 fatigue markers. Assuming that the front rank is still intact at 11 figures, in the fourth round of close combat, this unit of hoplites would roll 8 dice (11 dice for 11 figures minus 3 dice for the 3 fatigue markers). If a unit was covered in fatigue markers so that it could not roll any melee dice, then a “rule” would be established where a unit would always roll at least 1 six-sided die when engaged in melee. 


On page 60 of the Tactica II rule book, there is an order of battle provided for a 21-unit and 2,000-point strong Macedonian army (of Alexander). On the same page, there is an order of battle given for a 22-unit and 2,000-point strong Persian army (of Darius). It would be a relatively simple matter then, to fabricate the various units, set up some terrain pieces, deploy the opposing armies, and stage my first official wargame using Tactica II. Thinking back to the educational exercises completed over the course of a few weeks, I hesitate to do so as I am imagining the handfuls of dice that will have to be thrown turn after turn. I am also wondering about handling the 10 units of skirmishers (the combined strength of both sides). At the same time, I can see the value of wargaming this “guided scenario”. Then again, while reading through the rules a second and third time, I found myself thinking about staging a historical battle with Tactica II. What would Mantinea 362 BC look like, and how would it play? Could I select a previous Battle Day engagement and refight it using Tactica II? What would that be like? Bosworth has been chosen for Battle Day 2020. Would it be possible to stage a refight of this Wars of the Roses clash using my new set of rules? While there are a number of army lists provided in the spiral-bound set, these stop with the year 1066, approximately four centuries short of 1485. Further, there are no rules in Tactica II for handguns or artillery. Perhaps I could find some direction by posting questions to the members of the Yahoo Group? Perhaps I should post my list of adjustments and amendments to get their impressions, suggestions, and reactions? Perhaps my time would be better used by spending the summer months playing a number of 1,000 points per side scenarios with Tactica II, as written, until I feel very comfortable and very confident. Once I have staged a number of these games (a dozen? two dozen? more?), then I can graduate to larger battles or historical refights and experimenting with various rule variants. 


1. I think the use of educational titles is apt. My guess is that readers will be aware of Arty Conliffe and his contributions to the library of wargaming rules. He wrote Armati, Advanced Armati, and had a hand in Armati 2nd Edition. For the Horse and Musket period, or more specifically, the Napoleonic Wars, he produced Shako. For World War 2, he wrote Crossfire and Spearhead. I have experience with the first four rule books. The first ancients wargame report that I was fortunate enough to have published appeared in the July/August 1996 issue of MWAN (Midwest Wargamers Association Newsletter). The 8-page narrative was titled: “Springtime in Pontus: An Ancients Wargame Report”. The rules used were Armati. From what I have been able to gather, a lot of folks have been waiting quite a few years for Tactica II to appear. Please see the discussion on TMP at: With regard to these new rules being familiar or having familiar sections, I would point to the sections covering or governing unit types, the game move sequence, terrain, and the rout path as well as impact of broken units. 

2. The definition of “proper wargame” is subjective, though I would expect or imagine that such a wargame would include the following: a playing surface decorated to look like an actual battlefield; two miniature armies, painted and based and formed into units; two player-generals and perhaps a subordinate or partner in command, along with dice, rulers, other playing aids and of course, rules. Here are a few links to the hundreds of blogs or sites that does an excellent job of illustrating this working definition. Please see,, or For a brief video showing how spectacular the hobby can be when it is “done right” (this, of course, is also a subjective assessment), please see My guess is that readers will be aware that I do not use miniatures, at least in the traditional or usual sense, and that my wargaming is primarily a solo pursuit. On these technical but significant points then, I would readily stipulate to the statement that my wargames are not “proper wargames”. 

3. Succumbing to curiosity and temptation, I ordered my copy from On Military Matters in early January of 2019. Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors, some of which involved personal and professional reverses, I was unable to find and dedicate sufficient time for a thorough reading of the rules until the last week of April. After rereading the rules, after checking out the posts on the Yahoo Group (please see, and after attempting and discarding a number of drafts of ideas, this article was started in the early evening of 10 May. 

4. In Simon Miller’s To the Strongest! rules, a player-general can deploy a Polybian Roman Army with its legion(s) in the historically correct 3 lines. Four, if one counts the velites. Interested readers are invited to check the following site:


If, at some point in the future, let us say within the next decade, the historical battle of Argentoratum (also called Strasbourg, please see happened to be selected for The Society of Ancients Battle Day, I wonder if it would be as well attended and covered as was Hydaspes, the selection for Battle Day 2015? (For those readers not familiar with Battle Day, I strongly recommend that you spend a few minutes, if not more, browsing this site: To be certain, this is a hypothetical as well as rather specific question, but one that eventually bubbled to the surface of the cauldron that is sometimes my solo wargaming mind as I continued to draw inspiration from Patrick Waterson’s excellent article about the 357 AD engagement between Julian and Chnodomar, which appeared in the November/December 2018 issue of Slingshot, The Journal of the Society of Ancients. 

According to the colorful and comprehensive coverage, (there was an article in the July 2015 issue of Wargame Illustrated and a total of 11 narrative reports offered in three successive issues of Slingshot [please see the July/August through November/December 2015 issues]) for Hydaspes, there were 17 reconstructions and 15 different sets of rules used. If Argentoratum was in fact chosen, I wonder if there would be as many reconstructions and as many sets of rules employed in deciding the miniature contest. I also wonder what would be the predominant figure scale for the refights. Would there be any 6 mm wargames? What about even smaller scales, like 2 mm? Would there be a majority consensus on the numbers involved and on the deployment of the opposing formations? Would a majority of attendees follow the diagrams and notes provided by Simon MacDowall? (Please see Would others follow the guidelines established by James Manto in Slingshot 216? Given that his article is the most recent (at least to my knowledge), would there be a substantial group that modeled their refights on the information provided by Patrick Waterson? Would there be a “troublesome group” that decided to dismount all of the Alemanni cavalry? Would some tables feature a gentle ridge on the Roman side of the miniature field, while some tables placed the feature on the barbarian side? Would some tables forgo terrain features all together, since an argument or arguments could be made that terrain did not really have any impact or influence on the actual battle? Would a few tables be in contention for “best terrain” prize, as these playing surfaces provided, to borrow a line from Libanius (cited in Patrick’s analysis), “an elevated water-course, overgrown with reeds” that were spectacular in both scale and appearance? On the subject of prizes, who would win the “best” Julian and Chnodomar? What would be the criteria for these “awards”? How would participants, presuming a decent percentage of them referenced Patrick’s work, depict the reported presence of around 80 carroballistae? I know that the Armati 2nd Edition rules contain no section(s) on ancient field artillery. The Tactica II rules do not provide for these missile-launching engines either. A quick check of my “library” informs that Hail Caesar, IMPETVS, and L’Art de la Guerre include rules for various types of ancient artillery. Based on my study of past Battle Day events, the Armati rules, in one form or another, have been a fairly regular presence. I have yet to read about Tactica II being used at Battle Day. The general point that I am trying to make is this: If many sets of wargame rules for the ancient period do not include paragraphs and or tables on field artillery, then how will this “issue” be resolved if or when Argentoratum is selected as the historical engagement for Battle Day 2029? 

As interesting as these questions are (understanding full well that the word “interesting” brings into play all sorts of subjectivity), I shifted my attention and focus from ruminating about these ideas and issues to thinking about how I might use Simon Miller’s colorful, dice-less, and free of measuring devices rules to refight the battle of Argentoratum on my tabletop.  

Chnodomar vs Julian: Who is the Strongest?

Preparing the Armies - 

Unfortunately, I was not able to find a matching army list from which I could draft my Roman formations. The closest army was the Middle Imperial Romans (193 CE - 312 CE). This army list was found in the completely free to download Rome’s Empire “catalog.” Having Patrick’s article to my immediate left and the army list on my computer screen, I proceeded to build the Roman formations required for the planned refight. 

Severus was a detached and mounted general, and tasked with commanding the auxiliaries on the far left of the line of battle. There were four units of these troops. There was one hero assigned to the larger formation. I did not include a camp with this small command worth 10 victory medals and costing 39 points.  The legions that formed the main line of battle were depicted with nine units of Legionarii. Each legion of three units was assigned a “battery” of carroballistae. Each legion was also given a hero and had a detached, mounted commander. After going back and forth about it, I decided to upgrade the center legion, the Primani, to veterans. If my sums are correct, each legion was worth 10 victory medals and cost in the range of 44-45 points. The identified or named auxiliary units on the Roman right were organized into a single command, led by another detached and mounted general. The Batavii and Reges formations were classed as veterans and each unit was given a hero. This force cost approximately 42 points and was worth 10 victory medals. For the cavalry on the right wing, I fabricated two units of Equites Clibanarii, one unit of Equites Alares, and one unit of Equites Sagittarii. One hero was embedded with the cataphracts. The small command was led by yet another detached and mounted general. The point value for this cavalry wing was about 44 points; its victory medal count was 10. The reserve legion on this same flank was a copy of the Primani formation. These heavy infantry and supporting carroballistae were commanded by Julian, who was attached, mounted, and senior. Julian was attached to a small unit of veteran Equites Alares. This smallest command was worth 11 victory medals and cost approximately 62 points. 

Reviewing my “work” so far, it was determined that the Roman line, that is the front line, would contain 17 units. My wargames table measures 6.5 feet or 78 inches long. Simple division informed that I could fill the table with Roman auxiliaries, legionaries, and cavalry, if I defined my squares or boxes to be around 4.5 inches per side. To allow for some additional room, I established a box size of 3.5 inches per side. This would give me a battlefield 22 boxes wide and 12 boxes deep. My units, more functional and two-dimensional than visually stunning and possessing a certain heft, it has to be stated, would have, therefore, a universal frontage of 2.75 inches. 

Shifting my focus to the other side of the work-in-progress battlefield, I started building the Alemanni warbands. For this process, I still had Patrick’s article to my immediate left, but I had opened up the free army list for the Germans (115 BCE to 600 CE) from the Rise of Rome “catalog.” Wanting to match the frontage of the Roman legions, I prepared three units of warriors. Then, in an attempt to represent the depth of these massed fighters, I prepared another three units. Each large warband, then, contained six units of warriors. The three units in the front rank were each given a hero. The leader was an attached general who got about on foot. Matching Patrick’s estimated order of battle, I built five of these large warbands. Each warband had a victory medal count of 20 and was worth around 67 points. The globus of Chnodomar was represented with four units of veteran warriors; each unit having a hero. Chnodomar was in charge, obviously. He was attached, mounted, senior, and of course, heroic. This elite formation was worth 14 victory medals. Moving over to the barbarian cavalry wing, I made four units of cavalry along with three units of skirmishers armed with javelins. The leader of this formation was attached and mounted. There were two heroes riding with the group, which was worth 13 victory medals and approximately 45 points. 

Setting the Stage - 

As per usual, I produced the color counter equivalents of actual stands or units of miniatures, printed them on card stock and then cut them out. Using various colors of thread, I prepared the gridded battlefield. The model armies were then deployed, starting with the Romans under Julian. To the extent that I was able, I copied the arrangement shown on the color map provided on page 29 in the oft cited issue of Slingshot. I borrowed the fatigue markers from my Armati stores and employed these as the missile supply markers for the carroballistae and Sagittarii. Double-checking, I placed markers on the Equites and Cataphracts as well. Disordered markers were positioned well behind the Roman formations. Instead of actual victory medals or coins, I used a handful of blue six-sided dice. The outnumbered army of Julian deployed, I turned my attention to the barbarians. 

Even though the Alemanni were just a collection of colored counters, looking at their massed warbands from the Roman side of the table caused me to gulp slightly and break into a bit of a sweat. Due to their numbers, they overlapped the Roman line by a square or box on each flank. Their depth looked rather intimidating as well. The Alemanni cavalry and supporting light troops were given their missile markers. To the left and right of Chnodomar’s globus, disordered markers were piled. White six-sided dice were used for the barbarian victory medals, and boy, there were quite a lot of them! [The first picture shows the initial deployment of the opposing armies.]

How It Played - 

The tabletop battle was over rather quickly, actually, and in plain terms, history was reversed. (Interestingly and coincidentally enough, in two previous refights, using two different sets of rules, the Romans were also swept from the field in short order.) While the Roman cavalry wing was able to hold its own versus the enemy troopers on the right wing, the left wing and the center bore the brunt of the barbarian pressure and, after some hard fighting, cracks and then gaping holes began to appear in the Roman line. 

With the exception of the opposing cavalry wings, the tabletop engagement was slow in starting.  [The second picture shows the stalemate or back and forth of the action between the two cavalry wings.] 

Chnodomar and his subordinate chieftains used group moves to get their massed warbands shuffling across the table. The Romans waited for the onslaught; the carroballistae crews readying their missile launchers. As it turned out, unfortunately, the carroballistae were spectacularly ineffective: the large missiles landed everywhere except where they would have done the most damage. On the right of the Roman line, one of the legions was in seriously trouble right away, as the tide of fierce warriors crashed into it like a 15-foot wave of weapon-wielding fanatics. Along other parts of the line, the Romans dealt out measures of punishment, but the warriors kept coming. Severus, leading the left wing, tried to stem the tide of enemy here as well, but did not fare so well. In fact, one of the units he was directing was swamped and broken. Severus narrowly escaped being captured and or hacked down where he sat on his horse. Chnodomar urged his warriors on—from safely behind the fighting it must be noted—pushing his subordinates to force more warriors into the attack, into the series of melees. Scores if not hundreds were slain by the trained legionaries, but numbers eventually told and a third of the legion on the far left of the Roman line was routed, followed by a third of the Primani legion. In the confused fighting, Severus lost another unit of auxiliaries. [The third and fourth pictures show the initial “crunch” between warbands and legionaries, as well as the rather large hole that was punched in the Roman line.]

While all this was transpiring, the action on the cavalry wing was essentially a stalemate. The Roman Cataphracts were able to inflict some losses on the enemy units, but they were not able to make any kind of breakthrough. Surprisingly, after depleting their arrow supply, the Sagittarii proved rather effective and even though at half-strength, they were able to get the better of a combined barbarian cavalry and light infantry unit. To be certain, they did have a little assist from Julian, who led his small bodyguard into a flanking position. While a decent tactical move, this advance and involvement in a melee removed Julian from the larger picture of the developing battle, which, as related above, was not going in the Romans’ favor at all. 

Although Julian and what was left of his army still had 5 victory medals, the writing seemed very much on the wall. Or, to use language more appropriate for the To The Strongest! rules, it appeared quite evident that Chnodomar and his Alemanni held all the cards. [The fifth and final picture shows the very much depleted account of Julian’s victory medals.]

Comments and Evaluation

As stated above, history was reversed on my functional/primitive tabletop in mid-June of 2021. In his engaging article, Patrick notes that, “historically, the battle was a Roman walkover with a few exciting moments.” This most recent refight could readily be called a walkover, but this time, it was the Alemanni warbands who were wearing the “workboots.” 

Even though I do not possess a great deal of experience with these popular and innovative rules, I was engaged and entertained during the solo wargame. It was fun figuring out how I might model Patrick’s version of history on my tabletop using To The Strongest! It was fun playing the game (a turn here, two turns there) despite using fiddly cards, despite the frustrating performance of the carroballistae, and despite the creeping sense of boredom over on the cavalry flank, where, turn after turn, not a whole lot happened. 

Upon reflection, though perhaps I should allow more time, I did not run into any serious problem areas or confusion with the rules as written and revised with the group move and rout amendments, etc. The complete lack of aesthetic appeal or value has already been addressed. However, even as a two-dimensional wargame, it was still entertaining and helped me appreciate Patrick’s thinking and work even more. 

Having opened with a Battle Day hypothetical, I should like to close this post with a return to that consideration. Rome versus barbarians has featured in two previous Battle Day selections. The first was in 2005, when Caesar’s near defeat at The Sambre was played on a number of tables. The second was in 2019, when the “sandwich” engagement of Telamon was fought on a few more tabletops. I think Argentoratum (or Strasbourg) merits serious consideration as a potential third candidate for a future Battle Day. Romans versus those “significantly” less “civilized” always seems to draw a good crowd. There are a wide variety of scales to choose from, and there are sufficient sources to allow varying interpretations of the historical engagement. While I have not exhausted my interest in this battle, for the sake of other ideas and pursuits, I am going to put it away for a little while. When I return to it, I think I might try to stage something similar to what Simon MacDowall has played a number of times. It will be interesting to see if the Romans can do better with a different set up and with a different set or sets of rules. Already, I am thinking of how I might employ L’Art de la Guerre (still 3rd Edition) and perhaps even Tactica II.